Most Lodges have a Lodge of Instruction (LOI) where members can rehearse for future meetings in a relaxed & in a less formal setting. 
Paternoster Lodge hold their LOI' s either at Oakley House, Bromley or at Freemasons Hall, London, As as arranged. Please message us for details.

The invitation towards any visitor to attend our LOI is the same as that for our main meetings.

Progression through the Offices to become Master of the Lodge can be practiced at LOI with the help of the Preceptor & other Past Masters.

Paternoster Lodge uses the Taylor's working. The Taylor's Ritual Association aims to 
seek to promote best practice instruction at as many Taylor’s Lodges as possible.

LOi's are held at Oakley House, Bromley Common, BR2 8HA or at Freemasons Hall, London.

The Learning Curve & Progression within in the Lodge

It is a well known fact that everyone learns at their own pace & in their own manner,
 but if you study the Taylor’s Workings, you will undoubtedly notice a gentle learning curve 
designed to ease you into the learning of the Ceremonies. 

There is clearly, a laid out pattern of linking the learning of the ritual to the progression of the Officers.

As a Steward, the first step within the progressive Offices, there is ample time to learn the Office of Inner Guard, Junior Deacon & of the Senior Deacon. Indeed one should always be prepared to assist in any of these offices when called upon by the DC or Master, due to the of absence of an officer caused by sickness etc... Of course your DC would only call upon your assistance, if he had complete confidence that you could handle the work in question. It is therefore good advice to attend LOI regularly & demonstrate the work that you have learnt.

When one takes the office of Inner Guard, having already learnt the work of the position, it doesn’t take much to refresh that pre-learnt work. The same applies when reaching the position of both the Junior & the Senior Deacon.

It is whilst in these junior positions (having once again already learnt the work) that preparations should begin for the Offices of the Junior & Senior Warden. You will immediately notice that the duties of the Junior & Senior Warden’s are relatively light, so now is also a good time to start to learn & practise the Worshipful Masters roll in the ceremonies of all three degrees.

When you reach the Senior Wardens Chair, It should be at this point, if, not at least before, that the Installation Ceremony should start to be learnt. Once again, as you will have already learnt the rest of the work ready for your year as Master, your goal will be easier to attain.

The first duty that the new Master has to perform is to install his IPM & then the appointment of his Officers.
 It is a good idea to try to learn some of the Installing Master’s work also, as, remember, 
it will be the work of the new Master (you) in the following year.

Remember also that as Master of the Lodge the festive board requires your attention too. This is where your Director of Ceremonies and your IPM will be invaluable to you, but by this stage you will have gained sufficient confidence in the proper form of proposing and responding to Toasts etc.

By now, because of early preparation, your year as the new Master will be less of a worry, particularly as some of the ‘work’ can be covered, for you, by other PM’s should there be any part of the ceremonies that you might find a struggle. The work to be performed at the next two meetings, now will only need a little ‘brushing up’ & attention can be directed towards learning the Installation Ceremony of the following year & the address to the Master. The normal practice is for the Installing Master to deliver the address to the new Master. Other Past Masters usually give the other two addresses.

After your year as Master, your work as the Immediate Past Master should now be a time to relax a little, particularly as the new Master will have followed the same learning curve, and be fully prepared for the work before him. Of course because of your prior learning, should the new Master need the occasional prompt, this can be given with confidence & assurance. 
As a competent & confident Past Master, now will be the time, for firstly giving good instruction to new members,
 but also to continue your daily advancement in Masonic Knowledge. 
This can be extended towards tracing boards, Charges, longer closings of the Lodge & lectures. A PM’s work is never finished.

A point to remember is that it is never too early to prepare for you Masonic journey, particularly as your advancement towards the Chair will present itself within the blink of an eye, you just have to ask any Past Master.
 Above all, remember, Freemasonry should be a source of enjoyment, if at any time you find that you may need help…reflect back to your initiation, when there was somebody at your side to give you support & guidance, because, within the Fraternity there will always be someone there to help.

Remember that old saying 'Fail to prepare then prepare to fail'

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Revised: 05 Dec 2023 20:04:29 -0000 .